
What's New

Kevin Annett is Live on Vancouver Co-op Radio

Kevin Annett Biography

Kevin Annett's Book: Love and Death in the Valley is Available
* Order Kevin's Book *

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VIDEO - as seen on CTV in QuickTime format



Program of The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada

The Truth and Its Consequences: A Reply to my Detractors

Letters, Replies and Tales



Supplementary Affidavits

Key Newspaper Articles

Government Legislation

Archival Documents Canadian Department of Indian Affairs (DIA)

Evidence of Genocidal Mortality Rates in Residential Schools

Publications of IHRAAM

Probing Questions for the UCC

Full Report (PDF Format - 309K)

Full Report
(Microsoft Word Format - .zip file - 103K)

Hidden from History:
The Canadian Holocaust

The Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples by Church and State in Canada

by (Rev.) Kevin Annett

Recent Additions:

To see all additions, and archives, please visit What's New

A Chronology of Attacks made against Reverend Kevin D. Annett (1993-2005)

Dear friends and supporters,

I've compiled the following chronology of the assaults made against me and my work since 1993, because of my relentless pursuing of the truth about crimes against aboriginal and poor people in Canada.

I hope you'll not only circulate and cite this Chronology to others, but will support the call being made to Amnesty International to adopt me as a Prisoner of Conscience, and will support me in other ways so that the evidence and truth will not be buried.

with my thanks,

Kevin Annett
ph: 1-888-265-1007

Introduction Page