Hidden from History:
The Canadian Holocaust
Opening The Lid On Genocide In Canada:
A Whistleblower's Tale
" ... what has happened to him is outrageous."
Dr. Noam Chomsky, August 7, 2002,
referring to Rev. Kevin Annett
"LOVE AND DEATH IN THE VALLEY", by Rev. Kevin Annett, is a contemporary David and Goliath story of one man's struggle to uncover crimes against aboriginal people and children in church-run "residential schools" across Canada.
This struggle cost Rev. Annett everything - his job and career as a United Church minister, his livelihood, and even his family. But his perseverance has helped bring to light long-buried evidence that more than 50,000 native children died or were killed by Canadian church and government employees, whose goal was to exterminate non-Christian natives through sterilization programs, terror, and outright murder.
"Love and Death in the Valley" is a gripping account of how Rev. Annett helped to break the silence around these crimes by working with eyewitnesses and giving voice to their stories.
Confronted with media indifference, smear tactics and lawsuits by the United Church and RCMP, and direct attacks from persons named as criminals, Rev. Annett beat the odds and brought to light the accumulated evidence of Genocide at the first International Tribunal into these crimes, in June, 1998. He showed by his courage and tenacity that one person can make a difference.
For the first time, this story is available to a mass audience. First Books of Bloomington, Indiana, has published "Love and Death in the Valley" in paperback form, as of September, 2002. Advance orders for the book can be made through Rev. Annett or First Books (see below).
Rev. Annett will be conducting a continent-wide speaking tour during the fall of 2002 and the spring of 2003, to promote his book and the work of The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, whose aim is to initiate an International War Crimes Tribunal into Genocide against native people in Canada.
Please support this important work by ordering copies of "Love and Death in the Valley", and by arranging a reading by Rev. Annett in your community.
For more information:
Rev. Kevin Annett - e-mail: kevinannett@yahoo.ca
First Books - 1-800-839-8640, ext. 246
The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada -
(Matthew Helm, Ph.D., Convenor)
email: genocideincanada@yahoo.ca
website: http://canadiangenocide.nativeweb.org