Hidden from History:
The Canadian Holocaust
A new lecture and discussion series on the roots, history, and present nature of Genocide in Canada will commence on Monday, November 15, and will run for five consecutive weeks.
The series will be led by Kevin Annett of The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, and Wilf Price, an elder of the Haida Nation.
It will commence on Monday, November 15 at 7 pm in Room 111 on the main floor of the Canadian Autoworkers centre, at 326-12th street in New Westminster, west of the New Westminster skytrain station.
The lectures will continue at the same time and location every Monday night until December 13. Admission is by donation for unemployed or low-income people, and $5 and up for the employed.
Here is a brief outline of the series:
Lecture 1: The religious and philosophical roots of European Genocide in Greek-Roman culture; the rise of Christendom as a state religion of global conquest.
Lecture 2: The conquest of indigenous peoples and their lands by Christendom in Europe and elsewhere. The rise of colonialism.
Lecture 3: The collision of Christendom with indigenous cultures in the "new world". The culture and language of Genocide as it evolved as a tool of imperialism.
Lecture 4: The response and resistance of indigenous nations on Turtle Island to European invasion. Legislative Genocide and the Indian Act. The "residential schools".
Lecture 5: Genocide in Canada today. Unlearning Empire and building a culture of resistance among native and non-native people.
Please notify your groups and friends of this important series. To resist we must first educate ourselves!
To register for the series, or for more information, contact either Kevin Annett or Wilf Price through this email, or by leaving a message at 1-888-265-1007.
Or listen to Kevin and Wilf on their popular radio program, "Hidden from History", every Monday from 1 -2:30 pm on Vancouver co-op radio, 102.7 FM. (Archived at www.hiddenfromhistory.org)