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Program of The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada

The Truth and Its Consequences: A Reply to my Detractors

Letters, Replies and Tales



Supplementary Affidavits

Key Newspaper Articles

Government Legislation

Archival Documents Canadian Department of Indian Affairs (DIA)

Evidence of Genocidal Mortality Rates in Residential Schools

Publications of IHRAAM

Probing Questions for the UCC

Full Report (PDF Format - 309K)

Full Report
(Microsoft Word Format - .zip file - 103K)

Hidden from History:
The Canadian Holocaust

About the Authors

Kevin Annett is a former United Church minister in Vancouver, Canada, who was fired without cause in 1995, and then expelled from the same church without due process, after he had unearthed evidence of the theft of native land by church officers, and of the murder of native children at the United Church residential school in Port Alberni, British Columbia, where Kevin ministered.

Since his firing and blacklisting by the United Church, Reverend Annett has worked as an advocate and counsellor in aboriginal healing circles on the west coast. He organized the first international Tribunal into Canadian residential schools in Vancouver in June, 1998, at which a United Nations affiliate, IHRAAM, presided. This website is a partial summary of that investigation.

Reverend Annett is working with aboriginal and human rights groups around the world in an effort to bring charges of complicity in Genocide against the government of Canada, the Anglican, United and Roman Catholic churches, and the RCMP. He is serving as the secretary of the recently-established Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, and has authored a book about his experiences, "Love and Death in the Valley". He can be contacted at this email: kevinannett@yahoo.ca

Men and women of the Pacheedat, Ahousat, Cowichan, Haida, Songhees, Penelakut, Carrier, Halalt, Tseshat, Inuit, Chemainus, Squamish, Hesquait, Cree, Blood, Sto:lo, Dene, Lakhota and Metis Nations wrote this report with their own witness, suffering, and courage. Some of them have chosen to remain anonymous in the face of death threats and other perils both to themselves and their families which have been made by agents of the state, the churches, the RCMP and government-funded native organizations.

Note: Kevin Annett's personal website and his book, which contain a chronology of the events which have led to the publishing of this website and the report, "Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust", will soon be posted on this website. More information can be obtained from Kevin at his aforementioned email.

Part 2 - Chronology of Events